Lumber & Materials Needed to Rebuild Garden Plot
The Benson Community Garden started in 2011, as a place where individuals and families of all walks of life could gather in the heart of Omaha to grow their own fruits and vegetables. Volunteers from the community came together to build a fence and 36 individual plots from lumber donated by a fence company in Omaha.
Over the years the Garden has grown to include a pollinator garden, a food pantry (for people in the area facing food insecurity), a common area for gatherings, and a stage for live music performances and movies.
When we designed the Garden, we decided on using a wooden border around the gardeners’ plots. These borders show the size of the space, help to create an obvious walking path between the plots, and even assist in more efficient use of water. However, after having been exposed to the elements for the past 11 years, most of the lumber has decayed to where it is no longer able to perform its function, so it must be replaced. [See photos below]
One of the goals of the Garden has always been to “just break even”. Since we operate on such a tiny budget, we are reaching out to the community to request donations of lumber or cash to help rebuild the plots in time for the coming season. We have already been contacted by a group of volunteers willing to help rebuild the plots.
Our total project budget is $2,361 (in February ’22 lumber prices). If you are able, please consider donating lumber and/or money toward our rebuilding project. A link to our VENMO account can be found by clicking HERE.
Thank you for your time and generosity. Please help us spread the word via social media or word of mouth.
Checks can be made out to:
Benson Community Garden
c/o 6004 Lafayette Ave
Omaha, NE 68132-1234