Thank You!

As the leaves fall and the season of harvest draws to a close, October 31st marks our final day before the garden rests for the winter. It’s been a year filled with blooming plants, buzzing pollinators, and dedicated hands nurturing this special space in our community.

We want to extend our deepest thanks to everyone who has been a part of the garden over the years—whether you’ve planted, volunteered, visited, or simply supported our mission. Your involvement has truly made this garden a thriving, green oasis in the south side of Benson, and we’re so grateful.

As we close up, we’re also looking carefully toward the future. The garden’s future in 2025 is uncertain, and we are thoughtfully reviewing the resources needed to reopen in a sustainable and financially viable way. While we sincerely hope to bring the garden back next year, our return depends on this careful consideration. If you’re interested in helping us continue, whether through volunteering, donations, or other support, please reach out through email. 

Thank you again for being part of our story!


We strengthen our community by providing an urban agricultural space where individuals and families can come together to grow farm-fresh foods, share tools and resources, and learn about gardening and nutrition.

Join the Garden

Those who rent plots at the Benson Community Garden are called “members.” But, they’re more than just members …we are a family. In addition to growing food, many friendships have blossomed along the way.


Amazing individuals and organizations reach out to help keep the community garden going. From simply pulling weeds to building structures to improve the garden, volunteers are the backbone of support.

Support the Garden

From plot fees, we operate on an annual budget of $1440 (if we fill). Out of that comes insurance, supplies, fuel, tool replacement, upgrades, etc. Were it not for the generosity of individuals and businesses, we would not continue to exist. Consider a donation via VENMO today!

“Community” is Our Middle Name

The reasons people join a community garden are many. Some live in rental properties and need a space to till up and grow their own fruits and vegetables. Others might have too much shade at home to garden. There are many who just enjoy being part of something social to help the community.

Never Gardened Before?

Many of our members only dreamed of growing their own food before joining. Through their own research, talking with fellow members, and a little hard work, they have grown as quickly as their plants. It’s not hard. It takes patience, work, and a little water.

Become a Gardener or Donate Today!

Join the Garden!Support the Garden!